Tuesday, December 17, 2002

This or That Tuesday's Holidaze

1. Christmas dinner: turkey or ham (or something else)?
Ham,save the turkey for thanksgiving

2. Candy canes or chocolate? Chocolate please
3. Fruit basket or fruitcake? fruit basket
4. Mulled cider or mulled wine? Mulled cider with a shot of absolute
5. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate
6. Holiday cookies: homemade or store-bought? Leave the store boughts in the store
7. Roasting chestnuts or popping corn? Popping corn
8. On the buffet table: veggie platter or cheese tray? cheese tray
9. Apple or pumpkin pie? Apple Pie rules
10. Christmas Day breakfast: before or after gift-opening? after the gift. begin the orgy of greed.

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