Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Bah Humbug

I will never understand how men can wait until the absolute last minute before the holidays, Christmas Eve, to do all of their shopping. And how is it that we women toil for weeks and weeks in excruciating agony over what we are going to buy for everyone on our list, and will it be the right thing, and will this person think this is tacky, or did I spend the right amount, and I hope they really like it. Yet men will do all of their shopping in one store of the discount rack with no prior though whatsoever. And we still give them credit when alas on Christmas morning we unwrap something we like or actually wanted. This was not planned. It was a random twist if fate that landed that product in the bargain bin or on the impulse buy rack at the check out counter. Alrighty then. Back to wrapping paper and ribbon and bows. If I'm not out in 2 days send in the search party.

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