Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The best and the worst

The best sound in the world is a child's laughter or the cooing of a newborn baby. The worst is the sound of your child crying, especially your baby. And when its one of those times where you can't "fix" it your heart just breaks because you just have to hold them and let them cry.

I know those times will pass and with any luck they are few and far between but in those moments ... agonizing is the only word to describe them. Thank goodness for the giggles and smiles and coo's and ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes because they can make you forget all the hard parts and you just melt.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love you Spinach

One of Gavin’s favorite books is Guess how much I love you. If you are a parent and don’t have it yet.. get it.

Anyhow, there is a part in the book where the little rabbit says to the father rabbit “I love you this much” and the father rabbit says it back. Well my son has decided that in his version of the story the correct words are “I love you spinach!"

So now every night before bed when we read the book he screams “I love you spinach!” and when we are finished he looks at me and says “Good night spinach

It’s moments like these that are constant reminders of what a joy it is to be a parent and how lucky I am to have my two boys. They are the reason I was put on this earth and my love for them grows every day. So no matter how tired or cranky I may get, one smile, one belly laugh, and most of all just hearing “mommy” whispered from the sleepy lips of a toddler make the world right.

Politically incorrect

Let me preface this post by saying that I truly believe all babies are adorable and a miracle

With that said....Chris and I make beautiful children. I know I should be modest but I can't help it. Look at these faces. My kids are officially the cutest kids in the world. I would venture to say this is an undisputed fact however I know there are other deluded parents out there who would make the same claim.

They would be wrong! That's all I have to say on the subject.