Tuesday, December 10, 2002

This-or-That: December 10, 2002
More fun for the holidaze!

1. Real or artificial tree? You've gotta have a real tree. Nothing beats that real Pine tree scent
2. Real or artificial wreath?Real, everything should be real
3. Open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (or do you do another holiday such as Hannukkah)?Christmas Morning. The anticipation and jumping up out of bed at like 5:00 in the morning is the best.
4. "It's A Wonderful Life" or "Miracle on 34th Street"?Miracle On 34th Street
5. Outdoor decorations, or just indoors?The Griswald house people. Know it, Love it.
6. "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" or "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"?Rudolph all the way.
7. Miniature lights or the larger ones?It really depends on the situation but I tend to stick to the smaller lights
8. Store-bought or hand-made ornaments?Hand made ornaments with an occational store bought one for filler
9. TV Specials: The Grinch or Charlie Brown?Gotta go with Charlie Brown
10. Will you be staying at home for the holiday, or going visiting?Unfortunately I must go visiting and battle the traffic. This is the only drawback to the holidays. But it's worth it to spend time with the family

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