Tuesday, December 10, 2002

You've got to take the bad with the good

I was trying to get the piles of laundry stacked in the middle of the floor washed over the weekend. This was in between all of c.d.'s family members traipsing through the house moving all of her crap. Apparently either they though it would be funny or her family didn't realize that the washing machine wasn't hers, but they disconnected all the hoses. I realized this when I tried to start the washing machine and nothing happened. I reconnected the hot and cold water hoses but forgot to connect the drain hose to the water pipe that goes outside. I started the machine and went on my merry way. At this point I now have all of my craft shit strewn across the kitchen table with paints and lace and glue etc. lying all over the place. I am painting a canvas bag when my feet start to fell wet and I am like "What the Hell". I turn to the laundry room and see the water pouring out from under the door. I run over and open the door and a mini tidal wave splashed out into the kitchen and spread out onto the living room rug. I only wish a had a video camera taping my reaction and the subsequent chaotic mop up the water with any and every towel you can find dance. I had my pants rolled up to my knees, I was covered in water from head to toe. Boy way I a sight standing over the kitchen sink wringing out towels for 2 hours.

On the bright side the carpet got cleaned. We ended up renting a steam cleaner and sterilized the whole apartment. You can actually breath without gagging now when you come in the house. I am so happy I get to have company come over and not be mortified with how the house looks. There are not dishes in the sink, papers aren't stacked all over the counters, toys aren't littered across the living room. It's a beautiful thing.

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