Tuesday, November 19, 2002

This or That Tuesday
Potpourri, Part Two!

1. Long or short hair? Long, I like to have something to run my fingers through.
2. Microwave or conventional oven? Nothing beats good 'ol home cooking in the conventional oven.
3. Plain or Peanut M&M's? Peanut M & M's Rule!!!
4. "101 Dalmations"...animated or live-action version? Animated, although I thought Glenn Close was fab as Cruela
5. Drink out of bottle/can or pour into a glass? Screw the glass, us real white trash gals drink from the bottle.
6. Sunlight or moonlight? Moonlight, I am definitley a night owl.
7. Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy? I've always been partial to Kermit.
8. Glasses or contact lenses (or neither)? Thank heaven for contacts.
9. Action movies or chick flicks? I hate to admit it but.... Chick Flicks
10. Toilet seat...up or down ? Put the damn toilet seat down. Thank you for your support.

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