Thursday, January 02, 2003

And a very happy New Year

It was c's idea to stay home for New Years and I wasn't going to object. I figured we would end up with a bunch of people at the house like we always do. Our place is like the after hours bar, it's where everyone ends their night. They know c will be up and there will be good food made. I bought c this margarita kit for Christmas from the El Paso Chili Co. so we salted up some glasses, drop in a few olives and shook up the tequila. We sat on the couch and watched movies and drank our margaritas. I had cooked a ham and some mashed potatoes for dinner so we feasted in between drinks. As it got closer to midnight I was surprised that no one had showed up or even really called. I can't say I was disapointed because I was enjoying the quiet night. As the new year approached c and I sat in front of the Christmas tree, all lit up, and watched the ball drop. We kissed to ring in the new year and it was like something from one of those cheezy romantic comedies. Then we, and I'll spare the details, christened "our" apartment. Pretty much all of it. It is the best New Year's I think I have ever had. It amazes me how I can fall in love with c over and over again because of the little things he does. I don't even know if he realizes how much I appreciate that he gave his New Years all to me and I did't have to share him.

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