Wednesday, June 19, 2002

The Absenteeist Blog

OK so I know I haven't blogged in like forever but I have a good reason. I am designing a website for my boyfriends brother as a virtual birth announcement. Angie was born last wednesday and I have some great pictures I am posting along with all your basic height, weight, etc. I'll link to it when It is done. Anyhow, I found this on TrishsDream and thought it was sweet and worth sharing.

The A-Z of Friendhip

A Friend...

(A) ccepts you as you are
(B) elieves in "you"
(C) alls you just to say "HI"
(D) oesn't give up on you
(E) nvisions the whole of you
(F) orgives your mistakes
(G) ives unconditionally
(H) elps you
(I) nvites you over
(J) ust to "be" with you
(K) eeps you close at heart
(L) oves you for who you are
(M) akes a difference in your life
(N) ever Judges
(O) ffers support
(P) icks you up
(Q) uiets your fears
(R) aises your spirits
(S) ays nice things about you
(T) ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U) nderstands you
(V) alues you
(W) alks beside you
(X) plain things you don't understand
(Y) anks your chain just for fun.
(Z) aps you back to reality

Anyone looking for some help with backgrounds for sites check out Backgrounds by MarieThe site has a ton of great images and sets. You can even design your own layed background. Thats all for now.

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