Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Are you kidding?

The conversation at work today went something like this:

customer: I want to verify that a bought your product
me: do you have a receipt or confirmation number
customer: no
me: Ok, so what indication do you have that a transaction was completed
customer: Well I wanted to buy your product and I saw it and I liked it
me: and....
customer: well that's it. I wanted to buy it so I thought I did.
me: Let me review, you saw our product, liked it, wanted to buy it but gave us no money received no receipt and you are not sure if you bought it
customer: Right!

Is it me? Do people think before they ask these questions. Apparently not.

This is just another reason why I need to find a new job. Turns out quite a few people applied for the aforementioned position. More than initially anticipated and the interview is an hour and a half long. Slow torture I say. We shall see.

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